Biomechanical training theory - special series
After completing the functional relationships and movement sequences in the horse from the four-part biomechanical training theory, we deal with special cause-sequence chains in the body in the special series. The focus is on avoiding and early detection of certain consequences of illness and injury caused by non-physiological movement patterns.

Target group:
Leisure and tournament riders of all disciplines, trainers
Animal Clinic Nossen, Fabrikstrasse 6 A, 01683 Nossen
Individual lecture parts, the contents do not build on each other
03.07.2020 – 6 p.m. | Leaning and back problems
07/17/2020 – 6:00 p.m. | hypermobility
08/28/2020 – 6:00 p.m. | Diseases of the forelimbs
09/11/2020 – 6:00 p.m. | Diseases of the pelvic limbs
€ 39.00 per course evening
Instructor Anna Jantscher
Horse therapist Diana Landskron